John Mock & Kimberley O'Neil

Ecotourism Potential in Pakistan's Northern Areas

Burr, Steven W. "Sustainable Tourism Development and Use: Follies, Foibles, and Practical Approaches." In Linking Tourism, the Environment, and Sustainability: Topical volume of compiled papers from a special session of the annual meeting of the National Recreation and Park Association, 1994, ed. Stephen F. McCool and Alan E. Watson, 8-13. Ogden, UT: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1995.

Ceballos-Lascuráin, Hector. Tourism, Ecotourism, and Protected Areas IUCN Protected Areas Programme. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 1996.

Cole, David N., and Richard L. Knight. "Impacts of Recreation on Biodiversity in Wilderness." A paper delivered at the Wilderness Areas: Their Impacts, Utah State University, Logan UT, 1990.

Cole, David N., and Stephen F. McCool. The Limits of Acceptable Change Process: Modifications and Clarifications. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 1998. General Technical Report, INT-GTR-371.

Geist, Valerius, R. E. Stemp, and R. H. Johnston. "Heart-rate Telemetry of Bighorn Sheep as a Means to Investigate Disturbances." In The Ecological Impacts of Outdoor Recreation on Mountain Areas in Europe and North America, ed. N.G. Bayfield and G.C. Barrow, Report No.9, 92-99: Recreation Ecology Research Group, 1985.

McCool, Stephen F. Planning for Sustainable Nature-Dependent Tourism Development: The Limits of Acceptable Change System. Missoula, MT: The University of Montana, 1993.

McCool, Stephen F. "Linking Tourism, the Environment, and Concepts of Sustainability: Setting the Stage." In Linking Tourism, the Environment, and Sustainability: Topical volume of compiled papers from a special session of the annual meeting of the National Recreation and Park Association, 1994, ed. Stephen F. McCool and Alan E. Watson, 3-7. Ogden, UT: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1995.

Mock, John, and Kimberley O'Neil. Survey of Ecotourism Potential in the Biodiversity Project Area. Islamabad, Pakistan: IUCN - Pakistan, 1996.

Shaw, Isobel. "The Impact of Tourism." In Environmental Protection of the Himalaya: A Mountaneers' View, ed. Aamir Ali, 68-72. New Delhi: Indus Publishing Company, 1994.

Stankey, George H., David N. Cole, Robert C. Lucas, Margaret E. Petersen, and Sidney S. Frissel. The Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) System for Wilderness Planning. Ogden UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1985. General Technical Report, INT-176.

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