John Mock & Kimberley O'Neil

2000 Kimberley O'Neil on Mai Dur Pass (5,700 metres), Shimshal, Gojal, Northern Pakistan 2005 Kimberley O'Neil approaching Irshad Uween on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border 1995 Kimberley O'Neil on Punji Pass (4,680 metres), Ghizar, Hindu Raj Range, Northern Pakistan

Résumé of Kimberley O'Neil

Professional Experience

Grant Writer and Project Administrative Contact who coauthored and successfully procured and implemented nine National Fire Plan, State Fire Assistance, PG&E Fuel Reduction Fund, and CAL FIRE State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fund grants totaling more than $840,000 from the National Park Service and U.S.D.A. Forest Service through the California Fire Safe Council and from PG&E and CAL FIRE for development and adoption of the Yosemite West Community Wildfire Protection Plan and for hazardous fuel reduction in and around Yosemite West, a community in the Wildland Urban Interface. Also see Grants & Awards. (2003–2018)

Award-winning Author of travel guidebooks specializing in mountain travel in Asia and the USA (see Publications). (1994–2008)

Afghanistan Ecotourism Manager for the Wildlife Conservation Society's Afghanistan Biodiversity Conservation Project, Wakhan District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. (2006–2007)

Consultant on tourism for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and Aga Khan Foundation-Afghanistan. Wakhan District, Badakhshan Afghanistan. (2005)

Consultant for the Snow Leopard Conservancy in northern Pakistan. (2003–2004)

Consultant on ecotourism for IUCN-The World Conservation Union - Pakistan's Biodiversity Project. (1995)

Operations Manager for a North American adventure travel tour operator. Accountable for overall program management of tour programs in several Asian countries. Have strong product and industry knowledge and extensive experience designing, planning, selling, and operating various tours including trekking, mountaineering, mountain biking, hotel-based sightseeing trips, and camel and elephant safaris. (1986–1991)

Senior Accounting Clerk at various firms. Handled accounts payable, accounts receivable, bank statement reconciliation, budgeting, collections, cost accounting, credit management, general ledger analysis, internal auditing, payroll, union reports, and Workmen's Compensation claims. Designed financial statements and management reports. (1980–1986)


College of Business Administration, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Honor roll and Dean's List. (1978–1983)

Certificate, Western College of Travel, Walnut Creek, California. (1985)

Grants & Awards

Yosemite National Park Fire and Aviation Management Outstanding Achievement Award in recognition of procuring funds and conducting hazard fuel reduction projects to potentially reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfire to the community of Yosemite West (2013). Read more.

GORE-TEX Brand ® Shipton/Tilman Grant, W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. / WINDSTOPPER ® for Afghanistan & Pakistan (2004); application excerpts and expedition report, or read it on W.L. Gore's / WINDSTOPPER ® Adventure Diaries.

Winner 2002 National Outdoor Book Award in the Adventure Guidebook Category in Honor of Outstanding Writing in the Outdoor Field as co-author of Hiking in the Sierra Nevada; see Publications

GORE-TEX Brand ® Shipton/Tilman Grant, W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. / WINDSTOPPER ® for Pakistan (2000); application excerpts and expedition report

Finalist 2000 Travelex Travel Writers' Award Guidebook of the Year as contributor to Hiking in the USA; see Publications



with John Mock. Hiking in the Sierra Nevada. Footscray, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications (1st ed. May 2002).
Winner 2002 National Outdoor Book Award, Outdoor Adventure Guidebook Category
ISBN 1 74059 272 7, Buy this book

with John Mock. Trekking in the Karakoram & Hindukush. Footscray, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications (2nd ed. January 2002, 1st ed. November 1996).
ISBN 1 74059 086 4, Buy this book

Sections in Books:

with John Mock. "North Country National Scenic Trail", "Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail" and "Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail" in National Trails of America. Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet Global Limited, pp 196–199, 228–235 and 250–253 (1st ed. May 2020).
ISBN 978 1788 68938 0, Buy this book

with John Mock. "Trekking in Northern Pakistan" in Pakistan & Karakoram Highway. Foootscray, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 331–363 (7th ed. May 2008).
ISBN 1 74104 542 0, Buy this book

with John Mock. "Wakhan & the Afghan Pamir" in "Mazar-e Sharif & Northeastern Afghanistan" in Afghanistan. Footscray, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 167–172 (1st ed. August 2007).
ISBN 978 1740596428, Buy this book

with John Mock. "The Roof of the World" about the Wakhan Corridor, Afghanistan in The Lonely Planet Guide to the Middle of Nowhere. Footscray, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 170–173 (October 2006).
ISBN 1741047846, Buy this book

with John Mock. "Trekking in Northern Pakistan" in Pakistan & Karakoram Highway. Foootscray, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 341–374 (6th ed. September 2004).
ISBN  0 86442 709 3, Buy this book

"Bright Angel Trail" and "Rafting the Colorado" in "Exploring the Backcountry" in Grand Canyon National Park. Footscray, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 125–127, 133–140 (1st ed. March 2004).
ISBN 1 74059 561 0, Buy this book

with John Mock, "Ghujerab Mountains: Passes over the Central Asian Watershed, First Crossings," in The American Alpine Journal: The World's Most Significant Climbs, Christian Beckwith (ed.), American Alpine Club Press, 43:75, pp 349–350 (August 2001).
ISBN 0930410890, Buy this book

The American Alpine Journal 2001 cover
with John Mock. "Sierra Nevada" and "Long-Distance Trails" in Hiking in the USA. Hawthorn, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 330–401, 468–493 (1st ed. July 2000).
Travelex Travel Writers' Award - Finalist 2000 Guidebook of the Year
ISBN 0 086442 600 3, Buy this book

"Wyoming" and "Idaho" in Rocky Mountains. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 465–647, 827–932 (2nd ed. February 1999).
ISBN 0 86442 536 8, Buy this book

with John Mock. "Trekking in Northern Pakistan" in Pakistan. Hawthorn, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 391–432 (5th ed. July 1998).
ISBN 0 86442 535 X, Buy this book

Consultancy Reports:

with John Mock. Socioeconomic Survey & Range Use Survey of Wakhi Households Using the Afghan Pamir, Wakhan District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan; 76-page consultancy report for the Wildlife Conservation Society's Afghanistan Biodiversity Project. Kabul, Afghanistan, January 2007.

with John Mock. Tourism Promotion in Wakhan District, Badakhshan, Afghanistan: 64-page consultancy report for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and Aga Khan Foundation-Afghanistan. Kabul, Afghanistan, November 2005.

with John Mock. Local People's Attitudes Towards Wildlife and Wildlife Depredation in Pakistan's Northern Areas: 73-page consultancy report for the Snow Leopard Conservancy. Islamabad, Pakistan, September 2003. Read about our role with Community-Based Snow Leopard Conservation in Pakistan's Northern Areas.

with John Mock. Survey on Ecotourism Potential in the Biodiversity Project Area: 29-page consultancy report for IUCN-The World Conservation Union - Pakistan. Islamabad, Pakistan, January 1996.


with Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc., Yosemite West Community Wildfire Protection Plan; 34 pages. Yosemite National Park, California, June 2008. Also see Grants & Awards.

with John Mock. Wakhan & the Afghan Pamir, a 16-page tourism brochure with descriptive text, route information and detailed two-page route map, for the Aga Khan Foundation-Afghanistan. Kabul, Afghanistan, June 2006.

Photographic Publications

Kimberley O'Neil's images have appeared in corporate advertising, Men's Health magazine and have been published in these travel guidebooks by Lonely Planet Publications:

Writings in Progress

Chapters in Books:

with John Mock. "North Country National Scenic Trail," "Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail," and "Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail" in National Trails of America. New York, New York: Lonely Planet Publications, pp 196-199, 228-235, 250-253 (1st edition forthcoming May 2020).

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Copyright Text & Photographs © John Mock & Kimberley O'Neil 1997–2025
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